Manylabs October 2016 Open House

A full house at the Open House made for good networking and provocative questions during  Science Salon presentations.

Manylabs is an open science space in San Francisco of which the California Center for Natural History holds a residency at. The Open House kicked off with two guest speakers as part of Science Salon:

Ben Novak, Lead Researcher at The Great Passenger Pigeon Comeback, "The Next Flight of the Passenger Pigeon"


Peter Roopnarine, Curator of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology & Geology at the Cal Academy of Sciences, " Saving Future Ecosystems by Understanding the Past"

A few of Manylab's residents gave lightening talks on their projects that spanned everything from the interface of art and science to big data.

Cere Mony discusses her kinetic sculptures

Eric Mandu talks about his inspiration from nature and his project

Jorrit Poelen talks about his project the Global Biotic Interactions database.

Katie Patrick talks about getting impact out of effort using a combination of measurement, game-ifying behaviors we want to see in the world.

Mac Cowell talked about making easier to follow protocols.