Proposal for new A's stadium next to Lake Merritt and Laney College: Resources and articles
/In light of the recent proposal by the Oakland A's to build a new stadium right next to Lake Merritt and Laney College, we're posting some resources and articles about the issue.
This project has CCNH and many other organizations concerned about how a very large, high-traffic stadium in the area would negatively impact communities, wildlife, and the gem of Oakland.
***Update from Dec. 6, 2017***: The Peralta Board of Trustees has voted to reject the stadium plan at Laney and has directed Chancellor Jowel Laguerre to halt further conversation with the A's. Though the Board of Trustees vote is a decided victory, the stadium plan is not completely scuttled.
We still need to show up at the Peralta Board meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 12 to show our support for the Board's decision and demand that Chancellor Laguerre comply with the Board's direction.
Stay tuned for more news, and visit for calls to action and other updates.
Learn more about the issue:
A's Ballpark Proposal at Laney College Abruptly Scrapped (EBX, Dec. 6, 2017)
A's, Laney College stadium site faced long odds from the start (San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 6, 2017)
Laney College board halts ballpark plans, leaving Oakland A's shocked (SFGate, Dec 6, 2017)
It's time for the A's to move to Plan C — fixing the Coliseum (The Mercury News, Dec. 6, 2017)
A's plans for a new downtown ballpark dealt a crushing blow (The Mercury News, Dec 6, 2017)
Peralta Faculty and Laney Students Vote to Oppose New A's Stadium Plan (EBX, Nov. 28, 2017)
New Ballpark Could Devastate Lake Merritt's Birds (EBX, Nov. 7, 2017)
The Oakland Coliseum's Uncertain Future (EBX, Nov. 7, 2017)
Prosperity or Displacement, Nov. 7, 2017 (EBX, Nov. 7, 2017)
Oaklanders voice opinion about new A’s stadium at Peralta College meeting (Oakland North, Oct. 12, 2017)
Laney Students and Staff Express Concerns About the A’s Ballpark Plans (EBX, Sept. 29, 2017)
Lake Merritt wildlife at risk from A’s stadium plan (Golden Gate Audubon Society, Sept. 24, 2017)
View from A’s new stadium: ‘A magnificent backdrop’ (Mercury News, Sept. 13, 2017)
Opposition Emerges Right Off the Bat to A's Laney Ballpark Plans (EBX, Sept. 12, 2017)
Coliseum Area Specific Plan ("Coliseum City") adopted in 2015 to develop the 800 acres where the A's currently are.
What you can do:
Come to the Peralta Board of Trustees meeting on Dec. 12 to oppose the stadium.
Follow StAy The Right Way, a coalition of Chinatown and Eastlake residents, community organizations, small businesses, Laney community of students, staff and faculty, and environmental advocates who oppose the Peralta site for the new stadium mega development.
Tell the Peralta Colleges what issues they should consider in the community engagement plan for the proposed construction of a new A's stadium by Lake Merritt.
Sign the petition to oppose the stadium plan.
E-mail the Peralta Board of Directors:
Bill Withrow <>
Julina Bonilla <>
Linda Handy <>
Nicky Gonzalez Yuen <>
Dr. William “Bill” Riley <>
Karen Weinstein PhD <>
Meredith Brown <>
Nesi More <>
Corey Hollis <>